About Us
Over 30 years of experience in material handling, Elmas company offers reliable and quality solutions that meet the most demanding market enquiries and comply with European Directives. To lead to a high quality of products offered, Elmas has implemented the " Testing Laboratory " project, financed by EU funds and with a total amount of 5.363.951 ron.
Testing Laboratory, developed as a research entity, will increase national economic competitiveness through research, development and innovation component.
The testing laboratory is RENAR accredited according to SR EN ISO/CEI 17205 :2005 for non-destructive testing, spectrochemical testing, metallographic testing and ISCIR authorized according to PT CR6-2010 technical prescriptions, for performing non-destructive and destructive examinations.
The research space was designed to provide the requirements for an optimal working environment, through technical systems installed:
Video surveillance system: cameras monitoring activity outside and inside the laboratory
Samples archiving system: automated warehouse for storage and archiving samples, with authorized access.
Integrated management of the building: lighting control, automation functions of ventilation and heating, fire alarm system.
Vertical transportation system: modern elevator providing vertical transport of passengers and materials.
IT system: backup server, network PCs, workstations, multifunctional laser equipment, authorized access control and monitoring.